Diabetes Prevention: Study Finds Specific Fruits are Remedies

Because of the natural sugars in fruit, one might think that it should be avoided in order to prevent diabetes.

On the contrary, a study recently published in the British Medical Journal has found that greater consumption of specific whole fruits, particularly blueberries, grapes, and apples, is significantly associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes (adult-onset diabetes), whereas greater consumption of fruit juice is associated with a higher risk.

Fruits are very rich in antioxidants, which are substances that protect our tissues from the reactions of oxygen inside the body.  Natural processes such as digestion and metabolism create accumulated oxygen reactions that contribute to the aging and disease process.  Fruits are good at neutralizing these particles and are also a valuable source of fiber and plant coloring and pigments that have beneficial health effects.

The study on fruit’s effect on diabetes prevention was centered at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston.  Participants totaled 187,000 people and were women from the Nurses’ Health Study (1984-2008), women from the Nurses’ Health Study II (1991-2009), and men from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (1986-2008).  They were all free of major diseases at the starting point. Questionnaires were used to collect detailed data.

While blueberries, grapes, and apples provided the most benefits for diabetes prevention, blueberries provided the greatest advantage when three servings per week were eaten — a 26% reduction in the odds to develop diabetes.  Servings of cantaloupe on the other hand, increased the risk by 10%, and three servings of fruit juice increased the risk by 8%.  Peaches, plums, apricots, prunes, oranges, and strawberries had a neutral risk for diabetes.

Blueberries have other significant health benefits as well. The bilberry fruit is a close cousin to the famous blueberry. During World War II, British fighter pilots reported improved nighttime vision after eating bilberry jam.

One of the most important studies on bilberries was done by researchers at the Human Nutrition Research Center in Boston, MA. The researchers used an enriched extract of bilberry in a test tube along with human retina cells. The cells were exposed to oxygen damage and bilberry was shown to have a profound antioxidant effect – protecting and reversing the damage.

Bilberry removed the stress in eye tissue, which is a strong indicator that it can safeguard the eyes against disorders of aging such as macular degeneration (blurred vision), cataracts (cloudy vision) and glaucoma (eye pressure on the optic nerve).

So let’s get that fruit out for dessert and eat it for refreshing, nourishing snacks!

This natural health news is provided by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a publisher of nutrition articles and supplier of natural remedies since 2002. Nutrition Breakthroughs makes Sleep Minerals II, the effective natural sleep aid with calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D, and also Joints and More, the natural solution for joint relief, arthritis, aches and pains, stronger hair, better nails, and more energy.

Ingredients in Sleep Minerals II Proven Effective as Sleep Aids

sleep minerals IIIngredients in Sleep Minerals II Proven Effective as Natural Sleep Aids

According to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), almost six out of ten Americans report having sleep problems and insomnia at least a few nights a week.

Insomnia is defined as “An inability to fall asleep or remain asleep long enough to feel rested, especially when the problem continues over time.”

In an effort to combat this, as many as 25 percent of the people in the United States use medications to help them sleep. Most sleeping pills, especially when taken over long periods of time, stay in the bloodstream, give a hangover effect the next day and beyond, and impair memory and performance on the job and at home.

From a nutritional perspective, several research studies have shown certain minerals to be effective as natural sleep aids that help people fall asleep and stay asleep through the night. James F. Balch, M.D., author of Prescription for Nutritional Healing, writes: “A lack of the nutrients calcium and magnesium will cause you to wake up after a few hours and not be able to return to sleep.”

Calcium is directly related to our cycles of sleep. In one study, published in the European Neurology Journal, researchers found that calcium levels in the body are higher during some of the deepest levels of sleep, such as the rapid eye movement (REM) phase. The study concluded that disturbances in sleep, especially the absence of REM deep sleep or disturbed REM sleep, are related to a calcium deficiency. Restoration to the normal course of sleep was achieved following the normalization of the blood calcium level.

sleeping womanWilliam Sears, M.D. writes: “Calcium helps the brain use the amino acid tryptophan to manufacture the sleep-inducing substance melatonin. This explains why dairy products, which contain both tryptophan and calcium, are one of the top sleep-inducing foods.”

Regarding magnesium deficiency, chronic insomnia is one of the main, central symptoms. Sleep is usually agitated with frequent nighttime awakenings. On the other hand, a high magnesium, low aluminum diet has been found to be associated with deeper, less interrupted sleep.

The benefits of magnesium was proven in a study done by James Penland at the Human Nutrition Research Center in North Dakota. The study was titled “Effects of trace element nutrition on sleep patterns in adult women.”

Note that a balanced ratio of calcium and magnesium is important to overall health, and these two minerals should be taken together in a two to one ratio for best results (twice as much calcium as magnesium).

Beyond being effective sleep remedies, the health benefits of calcium and magnesium are many.  Studies have proven calcium to increase bone health, reduce high blood pressure, relax the nerves and muscles, prevent colon cancer and remedy kidney stones. Magnesium is an effective nutrient for strengthening heart health, reducing diabetes, and treating migraines, restlessness and depression.

Jobee Knight, a nutritional researcher and founder of Nutrition Breakthroughs in Glendale, CA., is someone who fought her own battle against sleeplessness and insomnia. She decided to put her background to use by searching out effective natural ingredients for relaxation and deeper sleep. The result was Sleep Minerals II, a natural sleep aid which contains absorbable forms of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and zinc – all combined in a softgel with carrier oils. Oils such as rice bran oil have been shown to increase mineral absorption.

Chris M. of the United Kingdom says: “I take one softgel of Sleep Minerals II before bed every night and within 20 minutes I am asleep. The difference in the quality of my sleep and the ease with which I get to sleep using this product is monumental. I have stopped obsessing about sleep or dreading bedtime — I just take a softgel and drift off.  If I stop taking them, within a week my sleep starts to lighten in quality, the amount of my sleep diminishes, and my old insomniac patterns reappear.”

Darleen T. of La Mesa, California says: “I purchased Sleep Minerals for my teenage daughter.  When she started on the minerals she hadn’t been sleeping well for the past couple of years.  She was run down and feeling beyond her years… exhausted.  She is only 18.  Once she started on Sleep Minerals she actually became tired at night, which is new.  She can fall into a restful sleep by 10:30 p.m. and sleep all night. This product is a heaven-send and has given her a life back.”

Natural minerals for sleep that are combined in an effective formula are a much better option then enduring heavy side effects from sleeping drugs.  For more information, visit the Sleep Minerals II page.

Good Stomach Health: Top Four Most Proven Remedies

Stomach healthHere’s to a healthy and happy stomach for all. Good stomach health sets the direction for the overall health of the body.

Our energy and well-being depend on our stomach, intestinal and bowel health as these are the processing centers for all our foods and beverages.

When our intestinal tissues are healthy and pain-free, the nutrients we eat get absorbed well into the body and nourish every cell and organ and system.

Sometimes the stomach and intestinal areas may become sore, irritated or upset and can benefit from some natural remedies to heal them.  The lower bowel can also become inflamed or irritated and this may be a sign of hemorrhoids.

Here is a summary of some of the most proven remedies:


Okra is good for soothing sores in the stomach, increasing health in the intestinal tissues, supporting digestion, and cleansing toxins from the small intestine.  It is also proven in studies to relieve ulcers. This vegetable has been valued for its edible green pods and high amounts of vitamin C and folic acid (vitamin B9). Powdered okra supplements are available and eating whole okra is beneficial.

According to a study in the Journal of Food Processing and Technology: “Okra is used to stabilize blood sugar by regulating the rate at which sugar is absorbed from the intestinal tract. It is a good vegetable for those feeling weak, exhausted, and suffering from depression and it is also used in ulcers, lung inflammation and sore throat, as well as irritable bowel.”


Collinsonia is a wonderful herb that helps to normalize the entire intestinal tract and related organs such as the liver.  It is also effective for vein health, varicose veins and remedying hemorrhoids, according to an article taken from the American Materia Medica. It assists in keeping the bladder and kidneys healthy as well.

Vitamin C

Whole food versions of the famous vitamin C are vital to a healthy intestinal tract.  This includes sources such as acerola cherries and camu camu berries, which are usually found in powdered supplement form. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to anus. Chron’s disease is one form of this and the symptoms can include stomach pain, diarrhea, fatigue and malnutrition.

In one study, it was found that 7 out of 10 people with Chron’s had a severe vitamin C deficiency – so vitamin C is highly recommended for any type of intestinal ailment.


Mineral deficiency can have a profound effect on our intestinal health.  One study showed that a deficiency of magnesium leads to inflammation in the small intestine, as well as significant changes in nearby and remote organs and an increase of overall stress in the body.  Natural sources of minerals are best such as kelp, alfalfa, and leafy green vegetables like chard and spinach.

In summary, irritations of the stomach, intestines and bowel can be helped and even remedied and healed.

This natural health news is provided by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a publisher of nutrition articles and supplier of natural remedies since 2002.

Nutrition Breakthroughs shares easy to understand information from new discoveries and provides Sleep Minerals II, the effective natural sleep aid with calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D   Visit us often to learn about the most effective natural alternatives to drugs.

Antidepressants Can Lead to Hot Flashes, Night Sweats and Insomnia

hot flashes night sweatsHot flashes and night sweats create a sudden feeling of warmth and often a breakout of sweating in the upper half of the body.

These flashes are experienced by up to 80% of women around the time of menopause, and also by men due to a lessening of testosterone in middle age.

Hot flashes are normally brought on by a reduced function in the brain’s temperature regulation, caused by changing hormone levels.  Night sweats that occur while sleeping can cause overheating and frequent awakenings.

Another source of hot flashes are medications. According to WebMD, “Taking certain medications can lead to night sweats. Antidepressant medications are a common type of drug that can lead to night sweats. From 8% to 22% of people taking antidepressant drugs have night sweats. Other psychiatric drugs have also been associated with night sweats.”

The “Sleep in America” poll results from the National Sleep Foundation found that more than half of all Americans (60%) experience a sleep problem every night or almost every night.  Interestingly, a ten-year study to discover which drugs are used to treat insomnia was published in the journal “Sleep”.  The study found that prescriptions for sleeping medications have decreased by 53.7%, but that antidepressant drugs prescribed for insomnia have increased by a surprising 146%. Examples of antidepressants prescribed for insomnia are trazodone, doxepin, trimipramine, and amitriptyline.

Medications may not always have the desired effects.  For example, Drugs.com says the following about an antidepressant drug called Welbutrin — “Nervous system side effects have frequently included headache (27%), insomnia (16% to 33%)….and sleep abnormalities.”  Health.com lists some other possible side effects of antidepressants as sexual dysfunction, weight gain, dry mouth and throat, racing pulse, confusion, disturbed dreams, and an increased risk of suicide.

On the other hand, Nature has provided us with some natural sleep remedies and relaxants that have stood the test of time.  Regarding mineral deficiency as we age and at the time of menopause, the pioneering nutritionist Adelle Davis says, “The amount of calcium in a woman’s blood parallels the activity of the ovaries. During the menopause, the lack of ovarian hormones (estrogen and progesterone) can cause severe calcium deficiency symptoms to occur, including irritability, hot flashes, night sweats, leg cramps, and insomnia. These problems can be easily overcome if the intakes of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D are all generously increased and are well absorbed.”

One sleep remedy that’s increasing in popularity is Sleep Minerals II from Nutrition Breakthroughs. This natural sleep aid contains highly absorbable forms of calcium and magnesium, the best minerals for sleeplessness and insomnia, as well as for restless legs syndrome, bone strength, aches and pains and menopause insomnia. The formula also includes vitamin D and zinc and is delivered in a softgel form with healthy carrier oils, making the minerals more quickly assimilated than tablets or capsules.  The softgel formulation provides a deeper, longer-lasting sleep and is an effective alternative to medications.

Anita L. of New Caney, Texas says: “I was having hot flashes every 30 minutes to an hour through the night and was so miserable.  After about two weeks of taking the Sleep Minerals, I noticed an incredible difference with my sleep.  I have much less interruption from flashes, I’m sleeping much better and I’m a lot more comfortable.”

Alex R. of Ramseur of North Carolina says: “Sleep Minerals II has been a blessing for me.  It has given me the opportunity to withdraw from a highly addictive sleep medication over time, and has allowed me to sleep while going through this most difficult ordeal.  What’s great about it is it doesn’t lose its effectiveness, which is something that happens with sleep medications.  I am most thankful for this product.”

In summary, while antidepressant medications and other drugs are being prescribed widely for insomnia, natural remedies for sleep and relaxation should be tried first.  Those with absorbable calcium and magnesium have been proven effective.  And they come without side effects such as hot flashes and night sweats and can even be a good remedy for these.  For more information, visit the Sleep Minerals II page.

An Effective Natural Sleep Aid for Insomnia – Sleep Minerals II

sleep minerals iiNutrition Breakthroughs of Glendale, California is providing Sleep Minerals II, a potent natural weapon in the war against insomnia and its many side effects.

This new generation of Sleep Minerals features fast absorbing forms of nature’s best-known minerals for relaxation – calcium and magnesium. Sleep Minerals II answers the demands of a National Sleep Foundation poll which reports that American insomnia rates have increased from 51% to 64% in the last few years.

According to the National Institutes of Health, insomnia can wreak havoc on the health and lives of its sufferers, causing excessive daytime sleepiness and extreme lack of energy.  The sleep-deprived can become irritable and depressed and may have trouble focusing on tasks, paying attention, learning and remembering.  Insomnia can contribute to accidents with machinery, accidents from poor balance, and accidents on the road while driving.

The use of prescription sleeping drugs has steadily increased, and most sleeping pills, especially when taken over long periods of time, stay in the bloodstream, give a hangover effect the next day and beyond, and impair performance on the job and at home.

Insomnia is a major problem for millions of Americans, with 25% of the U.S. using sleeping drugs in an effort to get some rest (per the National Sleep Foundation).  Because of the side effects of sleeping drugs, an increasing number of people are reaching out to find an effective natural insomnia remedy .

Sleep Minerals II from Nutrition Breakthroughs has stepped forward as a potent natural alternative.  It can help the restless sleep whether they are unable to fall asleep at the beginning of the night, or they habitually wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep.

It is an effective insomnia remedy due to its unique combination of ingredients.  It contains highly absorbable forms of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and zinc, all combined in a softgel with healthy carrier oils.  Oils such as rice bran oil have been shown to increase mineral absorption. Inside of the softgel, there is a creamy paste of absorbable nutrients which fuel the relaxing results that Sleep Minerals II provides.

Calcium is directly related to our cycles of sleep. One study found that calcium levels were higher during some of the deepest levels of sleep, such as the rapid eye movement (REM) phase.  Calcium is one of the few minerals that acts as a natural sedative, because it causes the release of the sleep-inducing amino acid tryptophan.

The well-known nutritionist Adelle Davis says: “A calcium deficiency often shows itself by insomnia, another form of an inability to relax. The harm done by sleeping tablets, to say nothing of the thousands of dollars spent on them, could largely be avoided if the calcium intake were adequate.”

Insomnia is also one of the main symptoms of a chronic magnesium deficiency. Sleep in magnesium deficiency is usually agitated with frequent nighttime awakenings. On the other hand, a high magnesium diet has been found to be associated with deeper, less interrupted sleep. This was proven in a study done by James Penland at the Human Nutrition Research Center called “Effects of trace element nutrition on sleep patterns in adult women.”

However, no matter how many studies support the use of these ingredients and their unique formulation, the proof is in the pudding.  Reviews of Sleep Minerals II continue to demonstrate it’s effectiveness.

W.W. of Perth, Australia says: “I have been taking the Sleep Minerals for the past 15 nights and am noticing an improvement in my ability to go back to sleep when waking during the night.  I have also been able to start reducing the medication that I have been taking for the past 7 years for sleep.  I will definitely keep taking them and hope to keep reducing the prescription meds and continue to feel more rested during the day.”

S. K of Indianapolis, Indiana says: “I have been using Sleep Minerals II religiously every single night. I suffered from years of anxiety-related insomnia. Nothing helped. My doctor couldn’t find a medicinal combination of medications to treat my anxiety well enough to allow me to get some good sleep. On my first night of Sleep Minerals II, I was able to sleep all the way through the night. I’ve been using it for almost two years now. I am absolutely 1000% satisfied with this product and have even recommended it to my friends and family when they discuss their sleep issues with me.”

J.H. of Manitoba, Canada says: “Sleep Minerals II has made a huge difference in my life as I was having debilitating leg cramps that used to occur every night.  My legs were sore even into the next day.  These have now become history.  My sleep is so much better and now I don’t worry constantly about my calcium and magnesium levels.  I am 70 years old and look forward to a very healthy old age. I suffered with sleep deprivation for a very long time and I will continue to pass the word to my friends about how Sleep Minerals II has changed my life.”

In summary, if you or someone you care about is suffering with sleeplessness and insomnia, try putting some Sleep Minerals II into your natural medicine cabinet for effective relief.

For more information, visit the Sleep Minerals II page.

Enzymes: The Secret to Vibrant Health and Energy

This health news is provided by Nutrition Breakthroughs, maker of the effective natural sleep aid Sleep Minerals II

Greetings to you,

Health-conscious people have often asked: “What are enzymes and what can they do for my health and energy?”  And also, “What effects do an enzyme deficiency have on my body?”

The magic of enzymes is that they are a delicate lifelike substance found in all living animal and plant cells.  They are energized protein molecules that are essential for digesting food, repairing tissue, and creating virtually all of the chemical reactions in the body. 

Life cannot be sustained without them, and because our bodies produce only so many enzymes during our lifetime, there are less and less of them available as we age (1). This may lead to poor digestion and blocked absorption of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients we need for good health.

Digestive enzymes are made in the pancreas and released into the intestine to break down food and turn it into energy.  Raw food enzymes are obtained from eating raw foods such as fruits and vegetables. Foods high in natural enzymes are avocados, bananas, mangos and sprouts. 

Cooked and processed foods are depleted of all of their enzymes.  Another type of enzyme is a metabolic or systemic enzyme. These are also made by the pancreas and other glands, but they travel directly through the bloodstream and initiate chemical reactions inside the cells that orchestrate life’s processes in every organ, gland, tissue and cell. 

It is a key part of our nutrition to eat raw foods and to take enzyme supplements when eating cooked or processed foods, in order to not rob the body of the metabolic enzymes it must have to keep the body running. When there aren’t enough digestive enzymes, the body forces its metabolic enzymes into use to digest our food. 

This takes them away from their vital duties of repair, maintenance and infection fighting, all of which need constant attention.  Enzymes from raw food or supplements act to reduce the burden on the body’s natural healing powers, allowing it to perform its natural self-curing function.

Enzymes can either be taken with food or on an empty stomach.  When enzyme supplements are taken on an empty stomach, 45 minutes to one hour before meals, they stimulate the immune system to engulf and remove waste material such as bacteria, cysts, and tumors (2), and they can treat a variety of conditions. 

Many studies have confirmed the successful use of proteolytic (protein digesting) systemic enzymes for treating a wide variety of conditions.  They have benefited arthritis and eased the pain of sports injuries.  They are used to control inflammation and swelling, to bring about faster recovery after surgery, and to maintain good heart health by breaking down fats and cholesterol (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11).

Proteolytic systemic enzymes include bromelain, papain and pancreatin.  Taken between meals, they can fortify the blood and be stored for later use when needed.

Without enough enzymes, our digestive tract deposits a large quantity of toxic material from undigested food into our blood, which is carried throughout our body.  It accumulates over time and contributes to many chronic health problems and conditions. The body has to use up a lot of its energy in order to digest enzyme-deficient foods.  By using supplemental enzymes, you can divert this energy right back to yourself!

This health news is provided by Nutrition Breakthroughs, maker of the effective natural sleep aid Sleep Minerals II


1.Enzymes: The Foundation of Life. Neville Press, Inc.1994.

2.Oral Enzymes – New Approach to Cancer Treatment. Munich, Germany: Forum-Medizin, 1996 

3. Pliml W, et al. Effects of ribose on exercise-induced ischaemia in stable coronary artery disease. Lancet 1992;340:507-10.

4. Zuschlag JM. Double-blind clinical study using certain proteolytic enzyme mixtures in karate fighters. Working paper. Mucos Pharma GmbH (Germany). 1988;1-5. Rathgeber WF. The use of proteolytic enzymes (Chymoral) in sporting injuries. S Afr Med J. 1971;45:181-183.

5. Shaw PC. The use of a trypsin-chymotrypsin formulation in fractures of the hand. Br J Clin Pract. 1969;23:25-26.

6. Rahn HD. Efficacy of hydorlytic enzymes in surgery. Paper presented at: 24th FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine; May 27-June 1, 1990; Amsterdam.

7. Vinzenz K. Treatment of edema with hydrolytic enzymes in oral surgical procedures [translated from German]. Quintessenz. 1991;42:1053-1064.

8. Seltzer AP. Minimizing post-operative edema and ecchymoses by the use of an oral enzyme preparation (bromelain): a controlled study of 53 rhinoplasty cases. Eye Ear Nose Throat Mon. 1962;41:813-817.

9. Blonstein JL. Control of swelling in boxing injuries. Practitioner. 1969;203:206. 26. Zatuchni GI, Colombi DJ. Bromelains therapy for the prevention of episiotomy pain. Obstet Gynecol. 1967;29:275-278.

10. Tassman GC, Zafran JN, Zayon GM. Evaluation of a plant proteolytic enzyme for the control of imflammation and pain. J Dent Med. 1964;19:73-77.

11. Gylling U, Rintala A, Taipale S, et al. The effect of a proteolytic enzyme combinate (bromelain) on the postoperative oedema by oral application. A clinical and experimental study. Acta Chir Scand. 1966;131:193-196.

Banishing Charley Horses and Muscle Cramps Naturally

charley horseDo you ever find yourself suddenly awakened in the middle of the night with a muscle cramp that feels like an uninvited guest in your leg?

These muscle cramps, commonly referred to as “Charley horses,” can strike at the most inconvenient times, leaving you desperately seeking relief.

However, the good news is that there are natural remedies that can help you bid farewell to these painful cramps and welcome restful nights once more.

The Mystery Behind Charley Horses and Muscle Cramps

Charley horses, or muscle cramps, are involuntary muscle contractions that can occur in any muscle in your body. They can be caused by various factors, such as dehydration, overuse of muscles, and, in some cases, an underlying medical condition. However, one of the most common reasons for muscle cramps is an imbalance of electrolytes, particularly calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

The Power of Calcium

Calcium is not just for strong bones; it also plays a crucial role in muscle function. Adequate calcium levels in your body help regulate muscle contractions. When calcium levels dip too low, it can lead to muscle cramps. Research has shown that increasing your calcium intake can help alleviate muscle cramps.

A study published in the “Journal of Clinical Medicine” found that calcium supplementation reduced muscle cramp frequency in pregnant women. Including calcium-rich foods like almonds, leafy greens, cooked broccoli, figs, oranges and organic dairy products in your diet can be a tasty way to keep cramps at bay.

Magnesium: The Mighty Muscle Mineral

Magnesium is another essential mineral that can make a significant difference in preventing muscle cramps. It aids in muscle relaxation by counterbalancing calcium’s stimulating effect. Low magnesium levels can lead to muscle hyperactivity, making cramps more likely to occur. A study in the “Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition” found that magnesium supplementation reduced the frequency and severity of muscle cramps in elderly subjects. To boost your magnesium intake, consider adding foods like nuts, seeds, whole grains, and leafy greens to your diet.

Potassium for Cramp Prevention

Potassium is a key player in maintaining proper muscle function and preventing cramps. Low potassium levels can lead to muscle weakness and cramping. Including potassium-rich foods like bananas, sweet potatoes, and citrus fruits in your diet can help maintain optimal potassium levels. A study published in the “Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition” found that potassium supplementation reduced the incidence of muscle cramps in athletes.

The Sunshine Vitamin and Charley Horses

Vitamin D, often known as the “sunshine vitamin,” is essential for maintaining healthy muscles. Research suggests that vitamin D deficiency may contribute to muscle cramps. A study in the “Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism” showed that vitamin D supplementation improved muscle function in individuals with vitamin D deficiency. So, catch some sun and add vitamin D-rich foods like fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and egg yolks to your diet to keep your muscles happy.

The Role of Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 plays a vital role in calcium metabolism. It helps direct calcium to our bones and teeth while preventing its buildup in soft tissues, including muscles. A study from the Frontiers in Nutrition Journal has shown that vitamin K2 was effective to reduce the frequency, severity, and duration of muscle cramps and was safe to take.  Food sources include sauerkraut, egg yolk, organ meats like chicken liver, and fermented foods like kefir.

In Conclusion

Charley horses and muscle cramps can be an unwelcome interruption to your daily life, but there are natural remedies that can help you find relief. Proper nutrition, including foods with calcium, magnesium, and potassium, along with vitamin D and vitamin K2, can make a world of difference in preventing and alleviating muscle cramps.

This health news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, maker of the original calcium and magnesium based sleep aid Sleep Minerals II, and Joints and More, a natural supplement for joint relief, less aches and pains, and more energy.

Kimberly B. of Troy, Michigan says: “I have been taking Sleep Minerals II for about a month now. I have tried everything out there and this supplement is amazing. I have suffered with insomnia for 2 1/2 years. I have also had restless leg syndrome my entire life and this is the first relief I’ve ever had…gone for a month now.”

Healthy Fats for Good Skin, Hair and Nutrition

healthy fatsEating healthy fats helps us create glowing skin and hair, as well as good nutrition for the organs and hormones.

All hormones are formed with healthy fats, so eating more of these foods can nourish our health in many ways.

Healthy fats can play a vital role in helping us sleep better and achieve greater health as these provide the basic building blocks for cholesterol production — a surprisingly healthy substance in our bodies.  The best fats to eat are nutrient rich foods like eggs, natural butter, salmon, sardines, fish oils, avocados, nuts, seeds and coconut oil.

For example, a healthy heart and long life are associated with eating walnuts.  They have been shown to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and also extend life spans in general. Walnuts contain the amino acid l-arginine, which offers protective benefits for the heart.

Walnuts can also be a good sleep inducing food.  Eating a handful of walnuts before bedtime may be a good way to calm down sleeplessness and insomnia. Russel Reiter, Ph.D., a professor of cellular biology at the University of Texas says, “Relatively few foods have been examined for their melatonin content. Our studies demonstrate that walnuts contain melatonin and that it is absorbed when it is eaten.”

Avocados are a healthy, creamy, tasty food, whether they sit on top of a sandwich, an omelet or a salad, or become transformed into guacamole. The healthy fats in avocados help balance hormones and this food features over twenty vitamins and minerals.

In summary, eating healthy fats can enhance one’s health in many ways. This information is brought to you by Nutrition Breakthroughs, maker of the effective natural insomnia remedy Sleep Minerals II.

University Researchers Find Link Between Insomnia and Hot Flashes

A team of researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine in California recently embarked upon a study to help determine the causes of insomnia among premenopausal and postmenopausal women.

The team conducted phone interviews with 982 women and gathered information about their sleep history, frequency of hot flashes, and overall health. They found that 51% of postmenopausal women suffer with hot flashes and that 79% of premenopausal women have them. Among the women with the most intense hot flashes (based on their severity and frequency), 81% of them experienced sleeplessness and insomnia.

The lead researcher said: “In this paper, we have observed without any doubt and in a significant way that hot flashes are associated with insomnia. This is the first observational study showing the link between insomnia and hot flashes while controlling for other factors that could account for insomnia in women.”

Night sweats and hot flashes can become a form of insomnia in which a woman can wake up sweating and be unable to sleep. Regarding mineral deficiency at the time of menopause, the pioneering nutritionist Adelle Davis says in her book ‘Let’s Get Well’ that: “The amount of calcium in a woman’s blood parallels the activity of the ovaries. During the menopause, the lack of ovarian hormones (estrogen and progesterone) can cause severe calcium deficiency symptoms to occur, including irritability, hot flashes, night sweats, leg cramps, and insomnia. These problems can be easily overcome if the intakes of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D are all generously increased and are well absorbed.”

Calcium is directly related to our cycles of sleep. In one study published in the European Neurology Journal, researchers found that calcium levels in the body are higher during some of the deepest levels of sleep, such as the rapid eye movement (REM) phase. The study concluded that disturbances in sleep, especially the absence of REM deep sleep or disturbed REM sleep, are related to a calcium deficiency. Restoration to the normal course of sleep was achieved following the normalization of the blood calcium level.

Regarding the use of vitamin D as an insomnia remedy, Researchers at the East Texas Medical Center recently discovered that vitamin D helps to regulate the sleep-wake cycle.  They found a definite link between vitamin D deficiency and the current epidemic of sleep disorders.  During the research, the authors discovered the presence of high concentrations of vitamin D “receiving sites” or “receptors” in those areas of the brain that are related to the onset and maintenance of sleep.

One natural insomnia remedy gaining in popularity with women is Sleep Minerals II from Nutrition Breakthroughs. Sleep Minerals II contains highly absorbable forms of calcium and magnesium, the best minerals for sleeplessness and insomnia, heart health, restless legs syndrome and bone strength. The formula also includes vitamin D and zinc and is delivered in a softgel form with healthy carrier oils. The mixture of oils and minerals makes it more quickly assimilated than tablets or capsules and provides a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.

Anita L. of New Caney, Texas says: “I was having hot flashes every 30 minutes to an hour through the night and was so miserable. After about two weeks of taking the Sleep Minerals, I noticed an incredible difference with my sleep. I have much less interruption from hot flashes, I’m sleeping much better, and I’m a lot more comfortable.”

The Stanford research study shows a definite link between hot flashes and insomnia and suggests that if a woman can address and remedy her hot flashes, she will also likely improve her insomnia.

For more information on Sleep Minerals II visit this page.

Natural Remedies for Hand Arthritis

hand arthritisGreetings to you,

This article is for anyone who experiences arthritis pain in their hands. 

One great exercise to do is to alternately stretch the fingers out and then make them into a fist.  Done a few times a day, this can do wonders for easing and relieving arthritis pain. 

Some other good tips for managing hand arthritis and reducing pain would be to do some regular gentle physical exercise such as taking walks or swimming, getting a good night’s sleep each night, and taking fish oil supplements, ginger, or MSM to reduce inflammation and soreness.

Ginger for Arthritis

Arthritis causes pain, swelling, and reduced motion in the joints. It can occur in any joint, but usually it affects the hands, knees, hips or spine.

A recent study published in the journal “Arthritis” found that a standardized ginger extract is as effective as the anti-inflammatory drug betamethasone for all types of arthritis, but without the many side effects the drug is known for (fluid accumulation, nausea, adrenal gland suppression, insomnia and depression).

Studies on MSM for Arthritis

Sulfur-containing supplements such as MSM hold great promise for people with joint-cartilage problems. It has been shown in studies to remedy arthritis and provide relief.  Sulfur is particularly concentrated in the joints, nails, skin, hair and connective tissues.

MSM sulfur is a white, water-soluble element found in nature and in foods such as milk, fresh fruits, vegetables, seafood and meat. Food processing methods like heating, washing and freezing all deplete MSM in foods, making regular replenishment beneficial.

In one study of MSM, University of California School of Medicine professor Ronald Lawrence, M.D., followed 16 patients with degenerative arthritis – a form of joint disease. The patients who took MSM daily for six weeks reported an 80 percent reduction in pain. Dr. Lawrence has also conducted studies showing that MSM increases hair growth and brilliance, as well as nail thickness and length.

This health information on hand exercises for arthritis and natural arthritis remedies is brought to you by Nutrition Breakthroughs.

Nutrition Breakthroughs provides the effective natural sleep aid Sleep Minerals II and the natural solution for joint relief, pain relief and increased energy which contains pure MSM, Joints and More.

Additional resource: 9 exercises for hand arthritis from the Arthritis Foundation: https://www.arthritis.org/health-wellness/healthy-living/physical-activity/other-activities/9-exercises-to-help-hand-arthritis

Do hand exercises help arthritis?

Hand exercises can ease and relieve arthritis pain.  These movements can also be of assistance with wrist soreness and carpal tunnel syndrome, which is a condition that causes numbness, pain or tingling in the hand or arm due to a nerve in the wrist being compressed.

How can I slow down arthritis in my hands?

Some good tips for managing arthritis and reducing pain would be to do some regular gentle physical exercise such as taking walks or swimming, getting a good night’s sleep each night, and taking fish oil supplements, ginger or MSM to reduce inflammation and soreness.