Why Can’t You Sleep? Causes of Insomnia and Natural Solutions

causes of insomniaStruggling to fall asleep or stay asleep? You’re not alone. Insomnia, or difficulty sleeping, affects millions of people worldwide.

While stress and screen time are common culprits, physical conditions can also play a major role in keeping you awake. The good news? There are natural solutions for many causes of insomnia..

  1. Low Magnesium Levels

Magnesium is a mineral that helps relax your muscles and calm your nervous system. If your body is low in magnesium, you may experience restless sleep, muscle cramps, or frequent waking.

Solution: Eat magnesium-rich foods like bananas, almonds, pumpkin seeds, and spinach. You can also try a natural supplement which provides absorbable magnesium and calcium to promote deep sleep.

  1. Blood Sugar Imbalances

Blood sugar refers to the amount of sugar in your bloodstream. When it spikes or drops too quickly, it can wake you up in the middle of the night.

Solution: Avoid sugary snacks before bed, and eat a balanced dinner with protein, healthy fats, and fiber (such as salmon, avocado, and vegetables). A small handful of nuts before bedtime can help stabilize blood sugar while you sleep.

  1. Hormonal Changes

Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate many body functions, including sleep. Women experiencing menopause or PMS (premenstrual syndrome) often have sleep troubles due to changing estrogen and progesterone levels.

Solution: Drinking chamomile, mint or lavender tea before bed can help relax the body. Magnesium also plays a role in balancing hormones and enhancing melatonin, so adding magnesium-rich foods or supplements can make a difference.

  1. Excess Caffeine or Stimulants

Caffeine, found in coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate, stays in your system for hours and can interfere with sleep. Energy drinks and some medications (like decongestants) can also act as stimulants, making it harder to wind down at night.

Solution: Try cutting off caffeine at least 6–8 hours before bedtime. Herbal teas like rooibos or peppermint can be great caffeine-free alternatives.

  1. Chronic Pain or Inflammation

Conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia (tender points around the body), or back pain can make it uncomfortable to sleep. Inflammation (your body’s response to injury or stress) can also contribute to nighttime discomfort.

Solution: Anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric, ginger, and omega-3-rich fish can help. A warm bath with Epsom salts (which contain magnesium) can also relax muscles and ease pain before bedtime.

Final Thoughts

Understanding what’s keeping you up at night is the first step to solving it. By making small, natural changes — like improving your diet, managing stress, doing some regular, gentle exercise, and supporting your body’s natural rhythms — you can remedy the causes of insomnia and enjoy deep, restful sleep.

This natural health news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, maker of the original, drug-free, calcium and magnesium-based sleep aid Sleep Minerals II.

Doctor P. P. of Houston, Texas says: “I had developed sleeping problems and took two different sleeping medications over the course of several weeks. When I discontinued them the insomnia came back even worse. I literally got about 20 hours of sleep in 6 weeks time. Sleep Minerals II was just what I needed. I’ve been taking it for a couple weeks and getting many hours of sleep a night. As a doctor I would definitely avoid prescribing sleeping drugs — I would recommend Sleep Minerals II.”

How Can Holiday Stress Be Reduced? 5 Great Tips That Work

holiday stress

How Can Holiday Stress Be Reduced?
5 Great Tips That Work

Greetings to you,

It’s Jobee from Nutrition Breakthroughs. If you or someone you care about experiences holiday stress or insomnia during the holiday times, then these healthy tips will come in handy.

1. If you drink coffee, try to replace some of it with herbal teas such as chamomile, lemon balm or passionflower.  These are all proven to calm and relax and help with better sleep.

2. Do some regular, gentle exercise that you enjoy.  Some ideas would be walking, dancing, stretching or cycling. 

3. Spend some time outdoors and if it’s very cold, bundle up!  Especially if you spend a lot of time indoors in front of a computer screen, go outside and look at the trees, houses, clouds, buildings and other large objects. This helps the body and mind unwind and get some rest.

4. Turn off the TV, computer or cell phone at least an hour before bedtime.  The lighted screens of these electronics have been found to reduce melatonin levels in the body, which is a natural hormone that regulates the sleep and wake cycles.

5. Enjoy the celebration of thanks and goodwill and if any difference of opinion starts to develop with a friend or family member, just move on to the next topic and direct their attention to something you know they like or admire.

Here’s to your good  health, good sleep, and the very best of the season!

Jobee Knight
Nutrition Breakthroughs
Maker of the original calcium and magnesium based sleep aid Sleep Minerals II, and Joints and More, a natural supplement for joint relief, less aches and pains, and more energy.

Insomnia and Stress: Studies Find Sleep Remedies

insomniaSometimes the stresses, pressures and demands at work or at home can interfere with our good sleep.

Stress manifests on the physical level by an outpouring of adrenal gland hormones such as cortisol.  

The adrenal glands are two small triangular-shaped glands that sit on top of each kidney.  During those times when stress hormones are poured into the body, they can deplete our calcium levels — a mineral known to help with relaxation and good sleep.

The adrenal hormone cortisol has a stimulating effect and can promote wakefulness at the very time when one is trying to fall asleep or stay asleep during the night. Scientists have recently discovered that increased blood levels of cortisol exist in people with chronic insomnia.

In one recent study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, investigators monitored the sleep of eleven patients with insomnia and thirteen people without sleep disorders.  Blood was collected every thirty minutes for twenty-four hours, and levels of adrenal stress hormones were monitored.

They found the level of adrenal hormones were significantly higher in the people with insomnia as opposed to the group that slept well.  The insomniacs with the highest degree of sleep disturbances produced the highest amounts of cortisol in the nighttime hours.

Another aspect is that it appears people become more sensitive to the stimulating effects of cortisol as they age.  Researchers at the Pennsylvania State University found that when both young and middle-aged men were administered a version of cortisol, the middle-aged men remained awake longer and slept less deeply than the younger ones.

This finding applies to aging women as well, who tend to experience insomnia and sleeplessness as a significant aspect of their premenopause and menopause symptoms.

From a nutritional perspective, the mineral calcium has long been known as a natural aid to relaxation and sleep and is directly related to our cycles of sleep. In one study published in the European Neurology Journal, researchers found that calcium levels in the body are higher during some of the deepest levels of sleep, such as the rapid eye movement (REM) phase.

The study concluded that disturbances in sleep, especially the absence of REM deep sleep or disturbed REM sleep, are related to a calcium deficiency. Restoration to the normal course of sleep was achieved following the normalization of the blood calcium level.

Research in the American Journal of Physiology reveals that in the presence of elevated cortisol levels, the amount of calcium is rapidly reduced in the body.

Studies have shown that calcium declines for as long as the cells are exposed to cortisol, but promptly return to its normal level once the stress hormone is removed.  In light of recent discoveries about the relationship between stress hormones and calcium depletion, it’s likely that nighttime calcium levels can be restored and insomnia calmed by supplementing with a highly absorbable form of calcium.

One natural sleep aid that is gaining popularity due to its readily assimilated forms of calcium and magnesium is Sleep Minerals II from Nutrition Breakthroughs.

This insomnia remedy contains easily absorbed forms of calcium and magnesium mixed with healthy oils in a softgel, making it more absorbable than tablets or capsules and providing a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.   It also calms the nerves and muscles and reduces restless leg syndrome and menopause insomnia.

L.R.C. of Massachusetts says:  “Due to some very stressful issues in my life, I hadn’t slept much in two and a half months before being prescribed sleeping drugs.  I had become dependent on them and couldn’t sleep without them. I did my research on the Internet and came across Sleep Minerals II. I take these before bed and now I can sleep through the whole night without drugs. And if I do have to get up, I can fall right back asleep. Another benefit is it also helps alleviate my chronic fatigue and aches and pains.”

Some other good tips to support one’s health and well-being in stressful times include eating nourishing foods such as brightly colored vegetables and healthy proteins, taking food supplements like B complex vitamins,  vitamin C and magnesium, and doing some enjoyable daily exercise such as walking.

For more information, visit the Sleep Minerals II page.