3 Healthiest Foods for Long Life, Stronger Joints and Better Sleep

healthy fatsThis natural health news is written by Nutrition Breakthroughs, maker of Joints and More and Sleep Minerals

Greetings to you,

In the quest for greater health and the prevention of disease, people are looking more and more to the quality of the foods they eat and are seeking the healthiest foods. Fast food, fried food, sweets, and foods made with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are being replaced with healthier options.

Research studies are showing that food is more than mere nutrition to fill the stomach – it can ward off specific illnesses and lengthen one’s life.


The first of the three healthiest foods is the delicious almond. A recent study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found that eating 1.5 ounces of lightly salted, dry-roasted almonds each day (about 35 almonds) reduces overall hunger, does not affect body weight, and helps people to meet their ideal daily intake of Vitamin E.

Another study that was published on consuming nuts appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. It showed that people who eat nuts live longer than those who don’t. The study included 76,464 women and 42,498 men and found that the more times per week nuts were eaten, the greater the reduction in risk of death. As a note, those who ate more nuts had 29% less deaths from heart disease.

Wild-Caught Salmon

Wild-caught salmon is one of the healthiest foods on earth. Oily fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel were shown in a Swedish study to prevent the development of arthritis. The women in the study who ate just one serving of oily fish per week cut their risk of getting arthritis by an amazing 52%.

Fish and fish oils have both been shown to be a good arthritis remedy. One study from the Oxford University found that children who took fish oil supplements experienced better sleep at night, with fewer awakenings and nearly an hour more of sleep each night.

Regarding the use of fish oil for the health of the heart and arteries, a study was done at the Columbia University Medical Center in New York. Researchers there found that a diet rich in fish oils can prevent the accumulation of fat in the aorta, the main artery leaving the heart. The beneficial actions of fish oil that block cholesterol buildup in the arteries were found even when high amounts of fat were eaten.


Broccoli contains a potent rainbow of vitamins, minerals and plant nutrients. It is a cruciferous vegetable, meaning that it’s in the cabbage family. One key ingredient of broccoli known as “sulforaphane” has been shown to have anti-cancer benefits. The International Journal of Cancer presented a study of men diagnosed with prostate cancer. Those that consumed cruciferous vegetables had a statistically significant 59% decreased risk of prostate cancer progression.

Broccoli also contains a nutrient called indoles that can balance hormones by blocking excess estrogen in the body. This is important for women at the time of menopause when the level of progesterone drops to almost zero, while there is still estrogen present. An imbalance of hormones can contribute to menopause symptoms such as insomnia, hot flashes, irritability, night sweats, leg cramps, and mental depression.  Eating some raw broccoli a few times a week can help reduce the symptoms.

Broccoli should be eaten raw or lightly steamed in order to retain its higher levels of sulforaphane and provide the most health benefits. A study from the Netherlands showed that consumption of raw broccoli results in faster absorption and higher peak blood levels of sulforaphane compared to cooked broccoli.

This natural health news on the healthiest foods is written for you by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a provider of natural health articles and effective natural remedies since 2001. Nutrition Breakthroughs makes the original calcium and magnesium based natural sleep aid Sleep Minerals II, as well as Joints and More, the natural solution for joint relief, aches and pains, stronger hair and nails, and more energy.

Proven Benefits of Flaxseed: Heart, Stomach, Hot Flashes, More

Flaxseed, also known as linseed, is a high fiber food that has been cultivated for thousands of years around the world. One of the main benefits of flaxseed is that its a rich source of the healthiest type of fat, known as omega 3 fatty acid.

This group of healthy fats also includes salmon, walnuts, chia seeds and sardines. Flax is a also complete protein source, containing all nine of the essential amino acids.

Research is showing that the benefits of flaxseed include preventing menopause hot flashes, lowering cholesterol, improving heart health and benefiting blood sugar levels. It also improves breast and prostate health and is known to be an effective laxative which helps with constipation by adding fiber and bulk to the intestines.

Flaxseed has been proven to have a dual effectiveness for both constipation and diarrhea.  This study on flaxseed comes from the Natural Products Research Division of a Medical College in Pakistan.  Flaxseed oil and its gel-like fiber was given orally to people and it caused a dose-dependent increase in looser bowel movements – meaning that the higher the dose, the more effective it was. The study also showed flaxseed helpful for people with diarrhea.

Mayo Clinic breast health specialist Sandhya Pruthi, M.D., recently conducted a study on crushed flaxseed for hot flashes and menopause symptoms. The women were given six weeks of flaxseed therapy, consisting of 40 grams (one and a half ounces) of crushed flaxseed eaten daily. Study participants were asked questions that were translated into their individual hot flash scores.

The result was that their frequency of hot flashes decreased by fifty percent. Participants also reported good improvements in mood, joint and muscle pain, chills, and sweating. This was a significant benefit to their health and quality of life. Dr. Pruthi said: “We are quite pleased with the improvements noted by these women in their quality of life. Not only does flaxseed seem to alleviate hot flashes, but it appears to have overall health benefits as well.”

Flaxseed may provide a way for men with high cholesterol to lower it without using drugs. The Iowa State University Nutrition and Wellness Research Center recently studied ground flaxseed for this purpose and found that it decreased cholesterol in men by around ten percent over the three month study. The men ate three tablespoons of flaxseed daily.

Flaxseed was recently studied for the improvement of blood sugar levels in a study from the “Nutrition Research” journal. In this study, overweight men and postmenopausal women who had pre-diabetes consumed ground flaxseed daily for 12 weeks. This resulted in decreased glucose and insulin levels and also an improved insulin sensitivity in the participants. Having a better insulin sensitivity is healthier as this allows the body to utilize sugar in the blood more effectively.

Flaxseeds are available as whole seeds, ground seeds and flax seed oil. The ground seeds may be the healthiest option as they contain the most protein and fiber. Flaxseeds blend well into many foods, such as smoothies, hot and cold cereals, can be sprinkled on salads or hot vegetables, and even used in home-baked goods like muffins. The seeds are best stored in the refrigerator to preserve their benefits. Most of the studies on flaxseed used one tablespoon per day. 

This health news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a provider of nutrition articles and effective natural remedies since 2001. Nutrition Breakthroughs makes the original calcium and magnesium based sleep aid Sleep Minerals II.  Besides being an effective insomnia remedy, Sleep Minerals II is also beneficial for women with menopause symptoms such as hot flashes or night sweats.

Anita L. of New Caney, Texas says: “I was having hot flashes every 30 minutes to an hour through the night and was so miserable.  After about two weeks of taking the Sleep Minerals, I noticed an incredible difference with my sleep.  I have much less interruption from flashes, I’m sleeping much better and I’m a lot more comfortable.”

For more information, visit the Sleep Minerals II page.

Why flaxseed is good for you?

Research is showing that the benefits of flaxseed include preventing menopause hot flashes, lowering cholesterol, improving heart health and benefiting blood sugar levels. It also improves breast and prostate health.

How flaxseed works?

Flaxseed has a very high amount of omega-3 fatty acids – a high quality type of fat that our body is unable to make on its own. Omega-3 fats can improve the health of the heart, brain, eyes, liver, joints and skin. Flaxseed is also a rich source of fiber, making it an excellent aid to digestion.

Will flaxseed help with constipation?

Flaxseed has been proven to have a dual effectiveness for both constipation and diarrhea. In one study, flaxseed oil and its gel-like fiber was given orally to people and it caused a dose-dependent increase in looser bowel movements – meaning that the higher the dose, the more effective it was.

Walking Reduces Menopause Symptoms, Hot Flashes

hot flashesExercise such as walking may be one of the most effective ways to reduce menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia and heart symptoms.

From the April 2007 issue of the Annals of Behavioral Medicine comes a study from Steriani Elavsky, a kinesiologist.  Kinesiology is the study of human movement and motion.

The study included 164 menopausal women in their 50’s who were experiencing hot flashes and insomnia and who were somewhat non-active.  They were put into three different groups – walkers, yoga-doers and sedentary non-exercisers, and were studied for four months.

The groups that reported their stress and tension were reduced, as well as having a betterment in their quality of life, were the women who walked regularly or took yoga classes.  Women who walked derived the most benefit in terms of improvement with menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, but yoga was also beneficial.

Elavsky concluded: “We found a significant association between changes in cardiorespiratory (heart and lung) fitness and changes in menopausal symptoms.  Women who experienced decreases in menopausal symptoms in the study also experienced improvements in all positive mental health and quality-of-life outcomes.”
This information is provided by Nutrition Breakthroughs, maker of the effective natural insomnia remedy Sleep Minerals II.  Sleep Minerals II contains highly absorbable forms of the best minerals for relaxation — calcium and magnesium. The ingredients are delivered in a softgel form with carrier oils, making them more easily assimilated than capsules or tablets and providing a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.

Valerie H. of Santa Clarita, California says: “I had such severe menopause insomnia that it took me hours to fall asleep even though I was extremely tired.  My legs also had crawling and tingling feelings at night. I got the Sleep Minerals II and after about a week, it started to work really well. I fall asleep now within 20 minutes and no more restless legs.”

For more info on Sleep Minerals II visit here.

Menopause Hot Flashes Improved by Evening Primrose Oil and Minerals

evening primrose oil helps hot flashesEvening primrose oil comes from the seeds of a yellow wildflower that grows throughout the United States.

In a study from the Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, researchers tested the effect of evening primrose oil on 56 menopausal women aged 45 to 59 with hot flashes.

The women were given two capsules per day of evening primrose oil (500 mg per capsule) for a continuous 6 weeks.  The results showed there was a 42% improvement in the severity of hot flashes, as well as beneficial improvements in their life activities.

Mineral supplements such as magnesium and calcium are also of good benefit to menopausal women with hot flashes and night sweats.  One example is a 2011 study from the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System.  Women with at least 14 hot flashes a week received 400 milligrams of magnesium oxide for 4 weeks, increasing to 800 mg. per day if needed.  At the end of the study, the magnesium supplements had reduced their frequency of hot flashes from 52 to 28 per week, a 41.4% reduction.  Fatigue, sweating, and distress were also significantly reduced.

One insomnia remedy that also helps with hot flashes and night sweats and is increasing in popularity among women in menopause is Sleep Minerals II from Nutrition Breakthroughs.  This natural sleep aid contains highly absorbable forms of calcium and magnesium, the best minerals for sleeplessness and insomnia, as well as for heart health, restless legs syndrome, bone strength, and menopause insomnia.

Anita L. of New Caney, Texas says: “I was having hot flashes every 30 minutes to an hour through the night and was so miserable.  After about two weeks of taking the Sleep Minerals, I noticed an incredible difference with my sleep.  I have much less interruption from flashes, I’m sleeping much better, and I’m a lot more comfortable.”

Valerie H. of Santa Clarita, California says: “I had such severe menopause insomnia it took me hours to fall asleep even though I was extremely tired.  My legs also had crawling and tingling feelings at night. I got the Sleep Minerals and after several days, it started to work really well. I fall asleep now within 20 minutes and no more restless legs.”

Natural menopause remedies are a healthier option for women with hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia.  For more information, visit the Sleep Minerals II page.

Top 8 Ways to Cool Off and Sleep in Summer Heat

sleep in summer heatTop 8 Ways to Cool Off and Sleep in Summer Heat

These tips are for those of us who have sweated in our sheets on hot summer nights, unable to sleep.

In an ideal world, we would all have multiple air conditioners throughout our homes or central air conditioning to keep us cool.

In the actual world, not everyone has these, or even if they do, they may be looking for other helpful options in the case of being away from home or traveling to hot climates.

One question to ask would be whether or not any research studies have been done on the effects of body temperature on sleep.  Yes, in fact there have.

Researchers from the Cornel Medical Center in New York did a study showing that a cooler body temperature does indeed help sleep.  They identified the time at which the participant’s body temperature fell most sharply. This point almost always occurred in the two hours before sleep began.

So without further adieu, here are the creative tips for staying cool at night and sleeping well.

Tip #1 – People with trouble falling asleep might benefit from taking warm or hot baths about 90 minutes before bedtime, per the New York research study noted above.  When they get out of the bath, their body temperature will drop rapidly, and this should help them to fall asleep faster.  Another option for those with less time is to take a cool shower before bed.

Tip #2 –  Stick to loose clothing of cotton, linen or rayon and avoid synthetic fabrics and wool. Check into ‘Wicking Nightwear.’ These nightclothes are designed to whisk away sweat and moisture and keep you dry and comfortable while you sleep. Cotton sheets are best, rather than silk or other fabrics, as they stay cooler.

Tip #3 – Keep a thermos of ice water next to the bed and drink as needed.  The ice water can also be poured onto a washcloth and used on the forehead, legs, feet or other areas.  Another option is to put a hot water bottle in the freezer and use it as needed to stay cool.  Feet can set the pace for the rest of the body, so this may be a good place to put a cool washcloth.

Tip #4 – Try a ‘Chillow’ pillow insert.  The Chillow is filled with water and placed inside the pillowcase, on top of the pillow.  It absorbs and dissipates heat to keep you cooler and doesn’t require refrigeration.  It is comfortably cool, rather than cold and it always stays dry.

Tip #5 – Use some smart strategies for box fans and other fans.  Point a fan facing out the window so it will push the hot air outside, leaving cooler air in the room.  A do it yourself air conditioner can be made by putting a shallow pan of ice in front of a fan.  A cooling breeze will be created from the cold water as the ice melts.

Tip #6 – Put a blow-up air bed on the ground with some sheets and blankets and sleep on it.  This puts you closer to the floor where the air is cooler, as hot air rises.  If your bedroom is on a second floor, go the first floor to sleep.

Tip #7 – Keep the oven off and eat light meals that are cooling to the body such as fruit and vegetable salads, pasta salads, cold rice and veggies, or rice cakes with a slice of cheese, etc.  Delicious cold soups can be eaten such as split pea or lentil.

Tip #8 – Calcium is known to cool, soothe and relax the nervous system according to Chinese medicine.  In their system, a food’s temperature refers to the heating or cooling effect it has on the body once it has been ingested – rather than the temperature of the food when it is eaten.

For a cooling effect on the body during the night, take a well-absorbed form of calcium and magnesium before bed such as Sleep Minerals II from Nutrition Breakthroughs. This natural sleep remedy contains unique forms of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and zinc.  It is formulated in a softgel with healthy carrier oils, making it more quickly absorbable than tablets or capsules and providing a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.

Hot flashes and night sweats can be brought on by hot weather, as well as other causes such as hormonal changes, spicy foods or alcohol.  Anita L. of New Caney, Texas says: “I was having hot flashes every 30 minutes to an hour through the night and was so miserable. After about two weeks of taking the Sleep Minerals II, I noticed an incredible difference with my sleep. I have much less interruption from hot flashes, I‘m sleeping much better and I’m a lot more comfortable.”

Some other healthy advice would be to eat more of the calcium rich foods like cheese, almonds, spinach, parsley, beans, kale and broccoli.

In summary, make use of these tips to stay cool on hot summer nights, and you can also come up with some other similar ones of your own.  You’ll be happier the next day that you did!