MSM for Hair Growth, Stronger Nails, Smoother Skin: Studies

msm for hair growthMillions of people worldwide would like to have stronger, longer, more brilliant looking hair and nails. 

There are very few nutritional supplements supported by research studies showing they help hair growth and nail strength, but MSM for hair growth is one of them.

According to the book “The Miracle of MSM” by doctors Jacob and Lawrence, “MSM is one-third sulfur and sulfur has the reputation for being nature’s ‘beauty mineral’ for keeping the hair healthy and the complexion youthful.”

MSM sulfur (methyl-sulphonyl-methane) is a white, odorless, water-soluble element found in nature and in foods such as milk, fresh fruits, vegetables, seafood and meat. It is especially high in eggs, onions, garlic, asparagus and broccoli.  Sulfur has a long tradition of healing and throughout history, doctors have prescribed mineral hot springs rich in sulfur to their ill patients.  Food processing methods such as heating, washing and freezing, all deplete MSM in foods, making daily replenishment beneficial.

While MSM is best known for its arthritis and pain relieving benefits, it also helps to form keratin, which is the main protein found in hair, nails and skin.  The ‘beauty mineral’ study was published in Total Health Magazine and was named: “MSM – Increased Hair Growth, Nail Length and Nail Thickness”.  It was conducted by Ronald M. Lawrence, M.D.

Dr. Lawrence says: “We completed a placebo-controlled trial over the course of six weeks showing that 100 percent of the subjects on MSM had increased hair growth, compared to the group on placebo. 30 percent of the subjects on MSM showed improvement in hair brilliance, while none of the subjects on placebo showed such an improvement.”

The hair trial involved a total of 21 patients; 16 women and 5 men. Data was collected by certified cosmetologists under the doctor’s direction. The trial measurements included hair length, brilliance, and diameter of the individual hair shafts using industry standard measurement scales. All subjects that supplemented with MSM were impressed with the changes in the health and appearance of their hair. The cosmetologists could literally see which participants had taken MSM for hair growth by the appearance of their hair alone after six weeks of use.

A second placebo-controlled trial, conducted simultaneously, showed that 50 percent of the subjects on MSM showed increased their nail length, nail strength, and nail thickness compared to the group on placebo. Dr. Lawrence says: ”Based on the results of the two trials, we concluded that oral supplementation with MSM is a valuable addition to hair and nail growth. Hair and nail health was significantly improved in a short term of six weeks.”

One example of a natural remedy that contains all the benefits of MSM is Joints and More from Nutrition Breakthroughs.  Joints and More is made from “organic” sulfur (meaning coming from living things) and is a 99% pure, simple molecule, indistinguishable from a molecule of MSM found in nature.

Stanley Jacob, M.D. the co-discoverer and ‘Father of MSM’ says: “MSM is a surprising supplement.  When you start taking it, you may notice a number of good things happening in your life in addition to natural pain relief, natural joint relief, and allergy relief – such as more energy, cosmetic benefits such as softer skin, thicker hair and stronger nails; as well as decreased scar tissue and relief of constipation.”

For more information, visit the Joints and More web page.

Can MSM be used for hair growth?

Yes it can. The ‘beauty mineral’ study was published in Total Health Magazine and was named: “MSM – Increased Hair Growth, Nail Length and Nail Thickness”. It was conducted by Ronald M. Lawrence, M.D. At the end of six weeks of use, the cosmetologists could literally see which participants had taken MSM for hair growth by the appearance of their hair alone.

MSM for hair growth how much to take?

Stanley M. Jacob, M.D. says “It’s best to take MSM during or after meals. Over the years, thousands of patients have experienced healing benefits by taking 2,000 to 8,000 milligrams of MSM a day.” (This would be 2 to 8 capsules containing 1,000 mg. each). Start slowly by taking 1 capsule per day and increase as your tolerance allows. If you overdo it, you may develop stomach discomfort or more frequent, looser stools. Just cut back if this happens. Avoid taking MSM in the evening as it can increase one’s energy.

Sleep Foods That Help You: Best Sleep Inducing Foods

Sleep better with Sleep Minerals II
Which foods help you sleep better? The Nutrition Breakthroughs Blog has provided several articles on the best sleep inducing foods, and those that follow below are the top five most popular articles of all time.

1. Sleep Foods Chart: The Top Proven Foods for Insomnia

This article features a chart that summarizes research studies on foods that are high in the natural sleep hormone known as melatonin. What foods are high in melatonin?  Find out more about walnuts, cherries, almonds and more.  Also included in this article are good sources of potassium, calcium and magnesium – all proven to help remedy insomnia.

2. Melatonin Rich Fruits for Sleep: Studies from Nutrition Breakthroughs    fruit melatonin

Melatonin levels start rising in the evening and go up to a peak level in the early hours of the morning, perhaps around 2:00 or 3:00 a.m, and then they reduce.

This may partially explain why some people can sleep fine for a few hours and then suddenly find themselves wide awake and unable to go back to sleep.

Do bananas help you sleep?  Learn more about the research study that shows how tropical fruits such as bananas and pineapples increase melatonin in the body. It was published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry.

3. Insomnia Remedies: The Best and Worst Foods for Promoting Sleep

What foods are sleep inducing? This article includes an informative, short chart that contains the five best foods and five worst foods for promoting sleep.

Some foods can act as natural sleep aids, while others can make your time in bed a struggle with tossing and turning all night.

heathiest foods4. Food for Sleep: Study Says Salmon Remedies Insomnia

Researchers in Norway have proven that eating fish has a positive impact on good sleep and overall daily functioning.

5. Insomnia Remedies: The Science Behind Sleep Inducing Foods

This article focuses on articles from research journals that have studied which foods are best for inducing sleep, and it also has some doctor recommendations on good bedtime snacks.

This collection of natural health articles on sleep helping foods is brought to you by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a publisher of nutrition articles and supplier of effective natural remedies since 2001.

Nutrition breakthroughs makes Sleep Minerals II, the effective natural sleep aid with calcium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin D, and also Joints and More, the natural solution for joint relief, aches and pains, stronger hair and nails and more energy.

Which foods help you sleep better?

Studies have shown that certain foods are high in melatonin and magnesium and can help with a better night’s sleep. These include bananas, almonds, walnuts and tart cherries or their juice. Magnesium rich foods include yogurt, avocado, figs, nut butter, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.

What foods are high in melatonin?

Learn more about walnuts, tart cherries, almonds, bananas and more.  Also included in this article are good food sources of potassium, calcium and magnesium – all proven to help remedy insomnia.

Do bananas help you sleep?

Bananas are very high in potassium and a deficiency of potassium can interfere with restful sleep. Eating a banana before bedtime may help reduce nighttime awakenings and provide a better, deeper night’s sleep. Potassium is found abundantly in fresh vegetables and fruits, so these are a good focus as opposed to eating a lot of processed or packaged foods containing high salt.

What foods are sleep inducing?

Studies have shown that the following foods and beverages are sleep inducing: Bananas, tart cherries, tart cherry juice, almonds, walnuts, yogurt, salmon, pumpkin seeds, pineapple, nut butter, turkey, kiwi fruit and warm milk. Soothing teas shown to help sleep include chamomile, lavender, lemon balm and passionflower.

Remedy Arthritis with Natural Sulfur-Based Supplements

remedy arthritisArthritis is a degenerative joint disease that causes a breakdown of cartilage in the joints. It causes chronic joint pain, stiffness, swelling and reduced motion, and usually affects the hands, knees, hips or spine.

Two recent landmark research studies have been done that tested natural sulfur-containing remedies for osteoarthritis, which is the most common form of arthritis.

Cartilage is the tough, elastic connective tissue that coats the ends of the bones inside the joints.

When cartilage deteriorates, the bones can begin to grind together, causing pain and limitations in movement and flexibility. Up until now, anti-inflammatory drugs have been the most common treatment for arthritis symptoms, but they can have many side effects and may even worsen the condition.

Sulfur-containing compounds such as glucosamine sulfate and MSM hold great promise for people with joint-cartilage problems. They have been shown in studies to remedy arthritis and provide relief.  Sulfur is particularly concentrated in the joints, nails, skin, hair and connective tissues. MSM sulfur is a white, water-soluble element found in nature and in foods such as milk, fresh fruits, vegetables, seafood and meat. Food processing methods such as heating, washing and freezing, all deplete MSM in foods, making regular replenishment beneficial.

In one study of MSM, University of California School of Medicine professor Ronald Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D., followed 16 patients with degenerative arthritis – a form of joint disease. The patients who took MSM daily for six weeks reported an 80 percent reduction in pain. Dr. Lawrence has also conducted studies showing that MSM increases hair growth and brilliance, as well as nail thickness and length.

Glucosamine is licensed in parts of Europe as a drug, but it is widely available in the UK and USA as a nutritional supplement.  An arthritis study was published in “The Lancet” that researched the long term use of glucosamine sulphate as a natural arthritis treatment.

Researcher Jean Yves Reginster of Belgium and his colleagues discovered that glucosamine sulphate not only improves the uncomfortable symptoms of arthritis, but can protect and benefit the actual structure of the joints as well.  Both MSM and glucosamine are natural substances found in cartilage that tend to be lost as people age.

In the trial, 212 patients with knee osteoarthritis were randomly assigned 1500 mg. of glucosamine sulphate or placebo once daily for 3 years.  Researchers measured the joint space width in the knee joint at the beginning of the study and again after 1 and 3 years.  The patients on placebo had a progressive joint-space narrowing, whereas there was no joint-space loss in the patients on glucosamine sulphate.  There was reduced pain and increased function after treatment with glucosamine.

This news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, provider of natural health articles and effective natural remedies since 2001. Nutrition Breakthroughs makes Joints and More, the natural solution with pure MSM for joint relief, aches and pains, stronger hair and nails, and more energy.

Study Shows MSM Reduces Knee Pain and Improves Activities

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, arthritis is the number one cause of disability among adults.

It is defined as painful inflammation, aching, stiffness and swelling in or around the joints.

Arthritis can occur in any joint, but usually it affects the hands, knees, hips, neck or spine.  The cartilage covering the surface of joints can wear away.

In a study published in the journal “Osteoarthritis Cartilage”, researchers noted that MSM (methyl-sulphonyl-methane) is a popular dietary supplement and they set out to conduct a placebo-controlled trial to find evidence to support its use as a remedy for knee pain.

MSM sulfur (methyl-sulphonyl-methane) is a white, odorless, water-soluble element found in nature and in foods such as milk, fresh fruits, vegetables, seafood and meat.

Food processing methods such as heating, washing and freezing, all deplete MSM in foods, which makes daily replenishment beneficial. Many people with joint pain may be deficient in MSM. In one study, sulfur concentration in arthritic cartilage was shown to be about one-third the level of normal cartilage.

The recent study published in the journal “Osteoarthritis Cartilage” was done at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in Tempe, Arizona. Fifty men and women, 40 to 76 years of age with knee pain, were enrolled in an outpatient medical center. Part of the group received 3,000 milligrams (3 grams) of MSM per day, twice a day, for 12 weeks – 6 grams per day total.  The other part of the group received a placebo.

The results showed that compared to placebo, MSM produced significant decreases in knee pain and significant improvement in physical function.  MSM use also resulted in improvement in performing the activities of daily living. Important improvements in stress and cardiovascular health were also observed.  These are good advantages, as there are many side effects from the usual drugs used for arthritis.

The Arthritis Foundation’s web site lists the most common side effects of the medications used to treat arthritis.  Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen can create edema (swelling of the feet) heartburn, stomach ulcers and possibly increased risk of blood clots and heart attack.

Corticosteroids (cortisone) may contribute to cataracts, elevated blood sugar levels and bone loss.  Injections at the arthritis site can create redness and swelling and increased risk of infections.

One example of a natural arthritis remedy that contains MSM is Joints and More from Nutrition Breakthroughs.  Joints and More is made from “organic” sulfur (meaning coming from living things) and is a 99% pure, simple molecule, indistinguishable from a molecule of MSM found in nature.

Stanley Jacob, M.D. the co-discoverer and ‘Father of MSM’ says: “MSM is a surprising supplement.  When you start taking it, you may notice a number of good things happening in your life in addition to pain and allergy relief — more energy, cosmetic benefits such as softer skin, thicker hair, stronger nails; as well as decreased scar tissue and relief of constipation.”

For more information on Joints and More visit

Announcing Joints and More: Natural Joint Support and So Much More

Joints and More
An estimated 50 million U.S. adults (about 1 of 5) have doctor-diagnosed arthritis.  According to the U.S. Census Bureau, arthritis is the #1 cause of disability among adults.

It is defined as painful inflammation, aching, stiffness and swelling in or around the joints. Millions of people are seeking joint support from natural supplements.

Arthritis can occur in any joint, but usually it affects the hands, knees, hips, neck or spine.  Common limitations from arthritis include difficulty with climbing stairs, walking, lifting, reaching, bending or kneeling.

Nutrition Breakthroughs of Clearwater Florida is announcing their newest product called ‘Joints and More‘, which contains a natural form of sulfur known as MSM.

According to research studies, MSM is known to help aching joints, muscle soreness, headaches, allergies, hair growth and more.  This is done by supporting collagen in the cells and reducing inflammation. Collagen is the main protein in connective tissues. The body’s hormones, enzymes and immune system also depend on MSM on a daily basis.

MSM sulfur (methyl-sulphonyl-methane) is a white, odorless, water-soluble element found in nature and in foods such as milk, fresh fruits, vegetables, seafood and meat.

Food processing methods such as heating, washing and freezing, all deplete MSM in foods, which makes daily replenishment beneficial. Many people with joint pain may be deficient in MSM. In a 1995 study, sulfur concentration in arthritic cartilage was shown to be about one-third the level of normal cartilage.

The Arthritis Foundation’s web site lists the most common side effects of the medications used to treat arthritis.  Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen can create edema (swelling of the feet) heartburn, stomach ulcers and possibly increased risk of blood clots and heart attack.  Corticosteroids (cortisone) may contribute to cataracts, elevated blood sugar levels, increased appetite, and bone loss. Injections at the arthritis site can create redness and swelling and increased risk of infections.

In the breakthrough book called “The Miracle of MSM: The Natural Solution for Pain,” Stanley Jacob, M.D., the co-discoverer and ‘Father of MSM’, and Ronald Lawrence, M.D. share their experiences with successfully treating people with MSM. Together they have treated over 12,000 people with MSM for a variety of conditions at the Oregon Health  Sciences University in Portland  Oregon.

Dr. Jacob says: “MSM is a surprising supplement.  When you start taking it, you may notice a number of good things happening in your life in addition to pain and allergy relief: More energy, cosmetic benefits such as softer skin, thicker hair, stronger nails, decreased scar tissue and relief of constipation.”

Ellen N. of Littleton, Colorado says: “I had developed painful arthritis in both knees. The orthopedist prescribed physical therapy, knee braces, ibuprofen daily and an eventual surgery.  Someone I know who works for a nutritional supplement company offered me a sample of MSM. I started taking it, I began noticing improvement, and this continued.”

“Soon I had the same spring back in my legs just like before all this started.  I was feeling major relief. Now I’m walking faster and even climbed on my roof to trim some trees. I feel like a new woman.” (from the book “The Miracle of MSM – the Natural Solution for Pain” by by Stanley Jacob, M.D., the co-discoverer and ‘Father of MSM’ and Ronald Lawrence, M.D.).

In one research study, patients suffering from degenerative arthritis were treated with either 2,250 mg per day of MSM or placebo. Sixteen patients were enrolled in the study. With the MSM group, the researchers reported “A better than 80 percent control of pain within six weeks of beginning the study.”

There is no known cure for arthritis.  According to Dr. Stanley Jacob, “Steroidal drugs such as cortisone are widely prescribed to reduce the inflammation associated with a wide array of painful conditions.  These frequently lead to unhealthy weight gain, high blood pressure and even diabetes…..MSM offers a natural way to reduce pain and inflammation without serious side effects.”

For more information on joint support, allergy relief, hair and nail growth and more energy, visit the Joints and More page.